Monday, November 10, 2008

Use Google Maps to create Pin Maps

Prior to Google Maps, either you use a paper map and stick some pins on it to mark locations or you could buy some mapping software like MapInfo, ArcView to do the job; on top of that you had to buy some map data from somebody and that could burn a big hole in your pocket. But Google Maps provide you with some decent pin mapping capabilities for free with reasonable looking maps.
  1. To start, open up your favorite browser and go to You should click on the My Maps link.

    You should see a page like this.

  2. Click Create new map.

  3. If you like, in the Title field type in a meaningful map title, e.g. PinMap, and a description.

    Note: Toggle Unlisted on if you do not want to share the map to everybody.

  4. In the Google Map canvas, navigate to the location you want to place a pin.

    Note: You can use the Search Maps function to locate places by street address if you wish. For example, I can type in '38 Jalan Ikan Merah, Singapore' in the search entry field and click the button as shown below.

    The geocoded location is displayed.

  5. Click the Add a Placemark button at the top of the map canvas (the icon that looks like a reverse tear drop).

    The cursor becomes to a cross hair marker and you are prompted to "click to place me on the map".

  6. Click a point on the map canvas.

    The Info balloon pops up.

  7. In the Title field, type in a meaningful name, e.g. Pin1 and enter a description if necessary. Note that you can change the icon from the default if you wish here.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Repeat steps 4-8 to place more pins.

  10. When all pins have been placed, the page may look like this.

  11. That's it, you're done. You can create and display more than one layers of pins if you wish. If you made a mistake, simply click on the pin and choose Delete to remove the pin.

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