Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Publishing KML from GeoMedia

GeoMedia now has the capability to publish the contents of your map window to a Google KML file. The command is not found under the standard export pulldown menus at Warehouse | Export To but rather under the File | Publish pulldown menus. Unlike the other export commands which work at the feature class level, the Publish to KML command operates at the map window level. Whatever you see in your map window – the features, the color, images, fonts, style, etc. will be published to the KML file, almost WYSIWYG like. That is why you have to layout your map window nicely first before activating the Publish to KML command. 
  1. Nicely setup your map window first, e.g. like the screenshot below.

  2.  Select File | Publish | Configure KML Publishing.

    The Configure KML Publishing dialog box appears.

  3. For each of the Legend entries, click on the legend entry name. Then in the Get placemark names from drop down list, select an attribute from the legend entry to be used as the placemark name. Or choose Legend Entry Title to use the legend entry’s name as the placemark name.

  4. Toggle on Publish Attributes if you want to see the legend entry’s attributes in the KML file. This is optional.

  5. Click OK.

    The Publish Map dialog box appears.

  6. In the Target format drop down list, select KML. In the Publish to field, click Browse and enter the name of the output KML file.

  7. Toggle on Display in target application if you want Google Earth to display the new KML file. This is optional.

  8. Click OK.

    The Google Earth application displays the new KML file.
    Note: the color of the KML lines is the same as the color in GeoMedia

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