Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Import ArcGrid ASCII files into GeoMedia Grid

ArcGrid ASCII files are convenient to pass data between application software. Before using terrain data in ArcGrid ASCII format files (*.asc, *.agr), they must be imported into GeoMedia Grid's native format raster files (*.mfm) and placed as layers under what is termed a Study Area. I have no idea what .mfm stands for and I could not find any documentation details on the extension name. 

To import an ArcGrid ASCII file, the following steps can be done. 
  1. Run GeoMedia and open up or create a GeoWorkspace with the desired coordinate system and a read/write warehouse connection.

  2. Select Grid | Study Area | Import File(s).

    The Import File(s) dialog box appears.

  3. Click Browse and select an ArcGrid ASCII file e.g. B3.asc.

  4. Click Open.

    The File Type(s) Found dialog box may appear.

  5. Choose ArcGrid ASCII. Click OK.

  6. Click the Coordinate system file Browse button. Choose the appropriate coordinate system file (*.csf) and click Open.

    The Import File(s) dialog box is updated with the selected.

  7. Click Next.

    The selected file is scanned and then the ASC Input data dialog box appears.

  8. Click the X Coordinate and Y Coordinate units drop down list and select the appropriate horizontal units e.g. feet.

  9. In the Cell resolution text field, type in the correct cell spacing e.g. 2.

  10. In the Cell resolution units drop down list, select the correct vertical units e.g. feet.

    At this point, the ASC Input data dialog box may look like this.

  11. Click OK.

    The Import File(s) dialog box appears.

    Note: By default the Study Area name will be Study Area 1. Right click on the name to rename it to something else if necessary.

  12. Click Next.

    The Import File(s) dialog box is updated with statistical information about the file.

  13. Click Finish.

    The ArcGrid ASCII file is imported into GeoMedia Grid and is ready to be used.

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