Monday, April 26, 2010

Now GeoMedia can read ArcView Projection Files (*.prj)

The recent GeoMedia hot fix added a new function in the Define Coordinate System File utility to load ArcView coordinate projection files (*.prj). Previously, you could only read in coordinate systems from Microstation type 56 elements in design files (*.dgn) and other GeoMedia coordinate system files (*.csf). Reading in the prj file is similar to reading in the dgn and csf files as shown below.
  1. Click Start | All Program | GeoMedia Professional | Utilities | Define Coordinate System File.

    The Define Coordinate System File dialog appears.

  2. Click Load.

    The Load Coordinate System From File dialog appears.

  3. Click the Files of Type combo box. Choose Projection Files (*.prj). Choose a *.prj file on your system. Click Open.

    The coordinate system is read.

1 comment:

  1. Hi dominoc925

    Great job for your blog. Its really helpful.

    I'm a Geographer like yourself and I still use Integraph Geomedia 6.1 but I don't have the Hot Fix So I cannot use prj files. I'm searching on the Web and this version its out of market at Hexagon and I cannot find it anywhere. Can you provide the same?

    Thanks in advance.

    Luís Gonçalves
