Monday, September 10, 2012

Swipe the display of raster images on and off in Global Mapper 13

Global Mapper 13 comes with a new Image Swipe Tool which as the name suggests, will swipe the display of an image on and off. As long as one or more raster layer displayed, the command can be activated. The following illustrates how the command can be used.

  1. Start Global Mapper. Load and display 2 raster layers e.g. an OpenStreetMap layer and a SRTM Worldwide Elevation Data layer.

  2. Select Tools | Image Swipe Tool.

    The Select Layer to Swipe dialog box appears.

  3. Choose the raster layer to swipe on and off. Usually this should be the uppermost layer. Click OK.

    The cursor changes to a white cross.
  4. Move the cursor to the center of the map display. Press down the left mouse button and move the cursor left or right.

    The selected raster layer display is swiped on or off at the cursor point.

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