Monday, September 23, 2019

Installing Vim-youcompleteme for Ubuntu 18.04

Modern text editors in IDE such as Visual Studio comes with a useful feature so-called Intellisense or automatic text completion. The venerable vi text editor can also have this feature enabled by installing and configuring suitable plug-ins such as vim-youcompleteme. I thought it might be fun using this and found a lot of methods to get it installed and running on Ubuntu 18.04, including fiddling with the .vimrc file. But the simplest way I found was to simply do the following:
  1. In a Terminal, run the command:

    $ sudo apt install vim-youcompleteme
  2. Next, run the command:

    $ vim-addon-manager install youcompleteme
Now, when editing a code file, vi will pop up an auto-completion list as you type, as shown in the screenshot below.

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