Monday, July 5, 2021

Setup SSH certificates for accessing a remote computer hosts without any prompts

In one of my projects, I wanted to be able to connect to and run shell commands on a remote Linux host computer without having to be prompted for :

(a) a login password and (b) host key fingerprint verification. 

Fingerprint prompt

For the first requirement, I discovered a tool called sshpass, which allows me to include the password in the command call to the remote host; but it is not able to return back the status of the remote command calls. For the second, I could setup host SSH certificates but I did not want to the overhead of having to create and maintain the certificates. 

The solution to achieve my objectives is described in the sections below. Basically I just needed to generate and sign my user certificate and have it authenticated by the remote SSH host when I ssh into the remote host; after setting up and configuring them, of course. 

Create user certificate authority keys

In order to generate user certificates, I need to use user certificate authority (CA) keys. The following steps outlines how to generate these keys.

  1.  On a secure Linux workstation e.g. pc1, log in as a user e.g. pcuser and open up a Terminal. Key in the following commands to generate the user CA, e.g. user_ca.

    $ mkdir -p /path/to/ca/
    $ cd /path/to/ca/
    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f user_ca -C user_ca

    The private key user_ca and the public key are generated.

    Note: change the certificate fie name prefix from user_ca to your desired prefix if necessary.

Setup the remote SSH host to recognize my user certificates

  1.  On the remote SSH host, e.g. server1, open up a Terminal and copy over the previously generated user CA public key e.g.

    $ scp pcuser@pc1:/path/to/ca/ /tmp/.
    $ cd /etc/ssh/
    $ sudo mv /tmp/ /etc/ssh/.

    Note: where pcuser is the login used to generate the user CA keys on the workstation pc1.

  2. Change the owner of the user CA public key file e.g. to root.

    $ sudo chown root
    $ sudo chgrp root

  3. Next, use a text editor to append the following TrustedUserCAKeys line into the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. Save and exit the editor.

    $ sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    TrustedUserCAKeys /etc/ssh/

  4. Then type in the following command to restart the SSH daemon.

    $ sudo systemctl restart sshd

    The remote SSH host is now configured to recognize any user certificates signed using the user CA user_ca key files.

Use the user CA to issue my user certificates

  1.  Back on the secure Linux workstation e.g. pc1, type in the following commands to generate a user certificate.

    $ cd /path/to/ca/
    $ ssh-keygen -f my-key -b 4096 -t rsa

    The private key file my-key and public key file are generated.

  2. Now, sign the generated public key e.g. with the user CA public key e.g.

    $ ssh-keygen -s user_ca -I -n serveruser1

    The signed user certificate is generated.

    Note 1: where -I is a string identifier for system logs,
    -n serveruser1 is a comma delimited list of login user names on the remote host to be authorized for access

    Note 2: include the -V option if you want to ensure the user certificate has an expiry date.

  3. Optional. Run the following command to display information about the generated user certificate

    $ ssh-keygen -L -f

Store and use the user certificate

  1.  On the user's workstation, e.g. pc2, open up a Terminal and create a directory to store the generated user certificates e.g. /path/to/my-certs/.

    $ mkdir -p /path/to/my-certs/

  2. Remove the group and others read, write and execute permissions of the newly created directory so that only the owner can access.

    $ chmod go-rwx /path/to/my-certs/

  3. Copy over the user certificates, my-key, generated in the previous section and place them into the /path/to/my-certs/ directory.

  4. Finally, to ssh into the remote host e.g. server1 with the user certificate my-key, type in the following command.

    $ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /path/to/my-certs/my-key serveruser1@server1

    You are authenticated and logged into the remote host server1 as user serveruser1 without any password or fingerprint prompt.


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