Monday, November 13, 2023

Using Koordinat2 webapp to convert between SVY21 and geographical coordinates

This is a follow up to the original post, which describes a generic coordinate conversion steps. This post shows how to specifically use the Koordinat2 webapp to convert from WGS 84 latitude, longitude coordinates to SVY21 projected easting and northing coordinates, and vice versa.

Select the WGS 84 lat, lon as the source coordinate system

  1. Using a modern browser, open the url

    The Koordinat2 web app appears in the browser.

  2. In the Input Coordinates card, click the gears icon labeled 1 in the screen above.

    The Select Source Coordinate System dialog appears.

  3. In the Search field, type in a partial string for the WGS84 latitude, longitude system, e.g. "4326" or "WGS 84".

    A list of matches appear.

  4. Click the WGS 84 list item.

    The WGS 84 geographic coordinate system is selected.

Select the destination SVY21 coordinate system

  1. In the Output Coordinates card, click the gear icon (labeled 2 in the screen below).


    The Select Destination Coordinate System dialog appears.

  2.  In the Search field, type in a partial string for SVY21, e.g. "3414" or "SVY21".

    A list of matching coordinate systems appears.

  3. Click the SVY21 / Singapore TM list item.

    The destination coordinate system is selected.

Performing coordinate conversions from latitude, longitude to SVY21

  1. In the Input Coordinates card, enter the Longitude and Latitude values.

    The Longitude/Latitude coordinates are dynamically converted and displayed in the Output Coordinates card.

  2. Optional. If you wish to see the location of the coordinates on the map, click the marker icon as shown below.

    The location is marked by a marker on the map.

Performing coordinate conversion from SVY21 to WGS84 latitude, longitude

If you wish to perform the reverse conversion, simply repeat the previous steps but reverse the coordinate system selections.



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