Monday, August 18, 2008

Troubleshooting GeoMedia Licensing

Sometimes it can be difficult trying to figure out why GeoMedia can't start up eventhough you have a seemingly correct license file, and your hostid seems to be correct, and so on. If you are having problems with the Intergraph GeoMedia license file, there is an undocumented debugging mechanism you can turn on.

You can create an empty text file licerr.txt in the folder C:\Temp\.

If the file licerr.txt exists, then the licensing routines will write debugging messages inside this file.

Example messages that you may encounter are as follows:
Lic path : C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\Ingr_Licenses\: 0
lc_checkout: license feature - GeoMedia_Professional: 0
lc_checkout: license version - 6.1: 0
lc_checkout failure: -5
GraceCheck: license feature - GeoMedia_Professional: 0
GraceCheck: license version - 6.1: 0
GraceCheck: The current time is greater than the install date plus the grace period: 0

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