Saturday, November 28, 2009

Export GeoMedia features and queries to ASCII text file

There is a useful extension to GeoMedia on the Intergraph support web site to unload geometry and attribute information to ASCII text files; it's called the ASCII Unloader. It is free but you need to login first before you can download and install the extension. I use if fairly frequently to take GeoMedia features and queries into another software package like Global Mapper. Once the ASCII Unloader extension is installed, there would a new ASCII Unloader entry to the Extensions pulldown menu within GeoMedia or GeoMedia Professional as shown below.

Using the ASCII Unloader is straightforward and the steps are generally self-explanatory as described below.
  1. In GeoMedia, select Extensions > ASCII Unloader.

    The ASCII Unloader - Output File Format dialog box appears.

  2. In the Features/Query to Unload drop down list, choose the desired feature or query e.g. Interstates feature.

  3. Next, in the Output filename field, click Browse.

    The Save Output ASCII File dialog box appears.

  4. Type in the output filename e.g. C:\Warehouses\Interstates.txt.Click Save.

  5. At this point, you can click Next if the default Output File Format settings are okay. Otherwise, you simply go to the appropriate fields and change e.g. from Comma Delimited to Space Delimited, or toggle on the Field names on first line, etc. A sample of how the changes affect the output file is shown in the Quick View box.

  6. Click Next.

    The Attributes to Output appear.

  7. In the Available attributes list, double click on the attributes you want to output.

    The attributes are selected and displayed in the Selected attributes list.

  8. In the Units & Precision list, select the type of the coordinates e.g. Projection.

  9. In the Available coordinates list, double click on the type to output e.g. Easting and Northing.

    The items are displayed in the Selected coordinates list.

  10. At this point, to see a sample of how the output file will look like, click View First 25 Records.

    The View Format dialog appears.

  11. Click Close. If necessary, change any settings you want.

  12. Click Apply.

    The ASCII text file is created.

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