I wanted to use the the time from a GPS to set the Ubuntu operating system date and time in an automated script; and I don't want the script to be interrupted with a prompt for an administrator password. So I tried to configure the sudoers configuration file to allow the group my user name belongs to to run the /bin/date command as root without a password.
For a long frustrating time, no matter what I configured, the date command would still prompt me for a password. Eventually, I got it working by doing the following:
- Open up a Terminal and type in the commands to create my own configuration file.
$ sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/10-override-date - In the text editor, type in the following:
%dialout ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/date
Note: dialout is the group I wanted to assign the ability to run date as root without a password. - Save and exit.
- Subsequently, using the date command as any user in the dialout group would be executed successfully without a password prompt, as shown below.