The models are almost similar to programming scripts except that you don't need to be a developer to create them. You simply use a graphical user interface to point and click to define the model. The example below shows how easy it is to create the model with the Modeler.
Create a New Model
- Start gvSIG OADE 2010. Load and display a vector polygon layer e.g. C:\data\States.shp.
- Click the Modeler
icon in the tool bar.
The Modeler dialog box appears. - In the Inputs tree, double click on Vector layer.
A dialog box appears. - In the combo box, choose Polygons. Click OK.
The Vector layer1 icon appears in the Modeler dialog box. - Click the Procedures tab. Under the Procedures | Algorithms tree, expand the Tools for polygon layers node. Double click Centroids.
A dialog box pops up. - Click OK.
A Centroids icon appears connected to the Vector layer1 icon in the Modeler dialog box. - Under the Procedures | Algorithms tree, expand the Tools for point layers node. Double click Add coordinates to points.
A dialog box appears.
- Toggle on Keep as final result.
- Optional. In the Name field, type in the output point layer name.
- Click OK.
The Add coordinates to points icon is displayed connected to the Centroids icon in the Modeler dialog box.
Note: To save the model, click Save and specify the output file path and name.
Running a Model
- Click Run.
The [Model] dialog box appears. - In the Inputs Vector layer field, choose a polygon layer e.g. States.shp.
- Optional. In the Outputs field, type in a new output Shape file path and name.
- Click OK.
The processes defined by the model is executed and the output layer(s) is created. - Close the Run model dialog box.
- Optional. To review the centroid point coordinates, select the newly created layer in the legend and choose Layer | Show attribute table.
The attribute table appears as shown below. Note the two newly created X and Y attribute fields.
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