The basic steps to create the regional areas are simply the following:
- Generate Voronoi or Thiessen polygons from the points
- Mask away the extra parts of the Voronoi polygons from the area of coverage polygon
For a detailed explanation of Voronoi or Thiessen polygons, visit the Wikipedia site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voronoi_diagram.
The example below illustrates how to generate the Voronoi polygons of cities in the state of Montana.
- Start gvSIG OADE. Load and display the cities and the state boundary polygon in a map view.
- Select View | Geoprocessing tools.
The Geoprocessing tools dialog box appears. - Expand the Geoprocessing tools | Analysis | Computational geometry nodes. Double click Voronoi/Delaunay.
The Analysis tools dialog box appears. - In the Input layer field, choose the points layer e.g. cities_in_montana.shp.
- Toggle on Voronoi(Thiessen) polygons.
- In the Output layer field, click Choose. In the Save dialog, type in the output layer name e.g. c:\temp\voronoi.shp. Click Save. Click OK.
The polygons are generated. - If the Geoprocessing tools dialog box is closed, select View | Geoprocessing tools.
- Expand the Geoprocessing tools | Analysis | Overlay nodes. Double click on Intersection.
The Analysis tools dialog box appears. - In the Input layer field, choose the newly created Voronoi polygons layer e.g. voronoi.shp.
- In the Overlay layer field, choose the overall area of coverage polygon layer e.g. montana.shp.
- In the Output layer field, click Choose. In the Save dialog box, type in the output layer name e.g. c:\temp\cities_coverage_pol.shp. Click Save.
- Click Ok.
The final regional area polygons are created and nicely masked.
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